You Are Not Alone
Listed below for your reference are a number of organisations who may be able to provide you and your family with counselling in regards to the loss of a loved one.
It is important to note that although we fully support these providers, we are not affiliated with any grief and loss service.
Sands Ph: 1300 072 637
Free counselling for stillbirth, newborn deaths and miscarriages.
Lifeline Ph: 13 11 14
24/7 free general counselling and support.
Parentline Ph: 1300 301 300
8.00am – 10.00pm 7 days a week for parental support.
Beyondblue Ph: 1300 224 636
24/7 free counselling if you are suffering from depression
Kids Help Line Ph: 1800 55 1800
24/7 free counselling if you are aged 5-25 years.
Salvo Care Line Ph: 1300 363 622
24/7 free counselling provided by the Salvation Army.
Mensline Australia Ph: 1300 789 978
24/7 free support and advice for men.
Homicide Victim Support Services Ph: 1800 774 744
24/7 free support Line.

What is grief ?
Feelings of loss and grief can occur after losing someone or something
that you care about. This may be the death of a loved one or the loss of a
relationship, a job, your health, your possessions or your way of life. When
we lose someone or something that is very important to us, it can take time
to adjust and to learn to live our life without that person, thing or way of life.
Lifeline have produced a booklet - What is Loss and Grief?